We showed our rough cut to the class and here is some of the feedback we got:
I like the wide shot of the sun set and the close ups of the guitar, nice variety of shots.
Maybe try to quicken the pace.
Guitar spine shot goes on too long.
Great lighting and location, continuity. Really well framed shots.
Lip syncing was a bit off at times.
The long shots worked well with the outline of people on the hill.
Some shots too long.
Editing was good.
From this we have decided that the main parts to work on are the length of shots. We are going to think about cutting so of them down a bit and cutting between shots more frequently, especially at the beginning and the shot of the guitar spine. Most people were happy with the variety of shots that we had. We are also going to look at the lip syncing in some shots, because it was a bit out, but we may not be able to solve it all perfectly, because we think some of this was down to the artist not the placing of shots in the video. These are the main things we are going to focus on when we re-edit our rough cut. We shouldn't need to re-film anything, because we can just cut between different shots that we already have. We don't feel that making these changes will take too long. At the moment we think we can make all the necessary changes before term ends next Wednesday.
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