Saturday, 15 December 2012

Alternative advert versions

As our target audience thought we had used all the right conventions for our advert, we decided to make different versions and ask them which one they would prefer to see. We did this simply by rearranging the information the advert provided as the image we used was liked by our target audience.

These are the other versions we made of our advert:



1. 11
2. 6
3. 3

When we asked them why this was the one they preferred they told us it contained all the conventions of album adverts (artist and album name, release date, and review quote). They also said that they prefered the layout. Having the artist name and album name centred drew attention to it and therefore was the first bit they read which is the most important text. One of the crititcims of the thrid version was that the release date shouldn't be in the middle of the page. The main criticism of the second one was because the seperation of the artist name and album name.

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