Monday, 10 December 2012

Digipak and Magazine advert

This is our final digipak folded out. We decided on the inside to have an artist profile, as Jack is a new artist so it gives the fans a bit of information about him. The CD will go in the middle. We kept to the main conventions of digipaks with the six fold and track list, but we made it a bit different by having just one images going across the inside rather than three separate ones. We felt that by doing this, not only would it be something a bit different, but is would help make the guitar an icon of the artist. The image on the CD would be the part of the guitar that it would be covering on the digipak, so that when the CD is in it just looks like one full image.

This is our magazine advert for the digipak.
We decided to keep the same photo as the album cover as then it is easier for people to relate it with our artist, particularly as he is a new artist. This was also quite common
 on existing adverts that I analysed, especially for newer artists. We kept the same font also for the same reason. We also noticed from our research into other digipaks that it is a convention to use the same font for all merchandise for an artist as it instantly relates to that artist. In a lot of cases we found that this would stay the same on a number of album  cycles. We stuck with the main conventions of digipaks by having the relase date and  a quote for the album.

Now we have finished these versions we are going to take them to our target audience to get their feedback and see what we can improve on both products. Once we have done the improvements to our rough cut next week we can start to focus on the ancillary products. These should be finished when we come back to school after Christmas.

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