These are some examples of the standard digipak. All digipaks will accommodate for the CD(s). Features of digipaks include a track listing of the songs on the album and a message from the artist to the fans thanking certain people. There will be a general thanks to all the producers, writers etc involved on one of the sides. Images of the artist will also appear not only of the front, but sometimes in the some of the other pages to make it more visual than just text. For albums that don't feature the artist on the front other symbolic images will be used that relate to the artist or album.
The digipak above is how a lot of them are displayed, with it folding out to the sides. They have made the artist name stand out with the typography they have used and by putting bright colours on a dark background, creating contrast. The colour scheme matches on all sides so that they all link together. The image on the disk has also been used on one of the sides of the digipak.
The digipak below uses a different folding technique that isn't used on a lot of digipaks. This helps give it an appeal, because of the different style. They have featured each band member on each side that opens out. There is a lot less text on this one from what we can see, but there will probably be something on the back. Again, the use of bright colours on the artists pictures and the CD means that they stand out from the black background.
For our digipak we are thinking about doing the traditional style that is used in the top digipak. We will have the CD in the middle with a track listing on the side that is the back when folded. We will probably stick to convention and have information about the people involved and a message from the artist.
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