Thursday, 13 September 2012

Music Video Analysis

Kings Of Leon

This video is within the genre we are working in so the conventions seen in this video we can apply to our own music video. The video focuses mainly on narrative and the entirety of the video uses slow motion shots for effect. This works particularly well in this video for things like the fight scene. 

The band has very little screen time in the video and even though they are performing, it is within the narrative of the video and not a separate performance. This makes the audience focus on the narrative and take note what it is about and how it relates to the song. For our music video I don't think this is something we will do as our artist is a new artist that nobody really knows yet. Kings Of Leon are now a global band, so most people already know who they are.

They use low key lighting to match the mood of the song. The mise-on-scene and costumes are very bland, again fitting into the mood of the song and the narrative. These seem to be typical conventions of this genre. It is very unlikely that you would find these things in a pop video. The first shot lasts just over a minute and goes round the whole bar so the audience can see what is going on. By doing this it shows that although there are separate groups of people and different things going on in the video, that they are all going on at the same time in the same place. A lot of the editing is done on the beat of the song and the whole video is done in slow motion which matches the slow pace of the song and the atmosphere that and he video is trying to create.

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