Friday, 4 January 2013

Evaluation Q1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

  • Performance based with little narrative
  • Features the artist - particularly important for new artists to get recognition which is why we chose to focus on performance.
  • Variety of shots - to keep the audience interested.
  • Lip syncing
  • Props (guitar)
  • Focused on performance
  • Experimented with edits - speeding up (the last shot), slow motion (first shot), extended video over song (beginning and end). This is done in some videos, but not considered a main convention. Usually they are kept the same length as the song, particularly if it is likely to be shown on music channels. Longer videos tend to get cut for TV anyway to the length of the song. People will only get to see the full video online in a lot of cases, Youtube being the prime site.
  • Little narrative which could also be seen as challenging conventions
  • Only the artist in the video, because of the amount performance and he is the only one in the narrative.
This question is mainly answered through this powerpoint:

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